Looking at Buildings

, printed from the Looking at Buildings website on Saturday 15th March 2025

Church of the Epiphany

GothicGlossary Term [1] allusion to make it acceptable to the Church of England worshipper" and one that "amply deserves the prize amongst the 20th century churches of Leeds". Cachemaille-Day initially proposed a simple rectangular church with a chapel behind the high altar, hidden by a reredosGlossary Term [2] or riddels, but this was changed to the present more dramatic arrangement on two levels before construction began. ReinforcedGlossary Term [3] concreteGlossary Term [4] frame with brick infillGlossary Term [5]. Heavy parapets and continuous stringGlossary Term [6] courses are remarkably successful in balancing the strong vertical emphasis of the fortress-like E end, a mass of sweeping curves broken by tall windows. It is stepped up like that of a French RomanesqueGlossary Term [7] church: low semicircle of the Lady ChapelGlossary Term [8], higher semicircle of the ambulatoryGlossary Term [9], yet higher pitched roof. An intended 100ft bell tower over the SW porch was not built and a flèche surmounted by an illuminated star was substituted. This was removed in 1976.

concreteGlossary Term [10] piers supporting flat ceilings. The tall thin piers and the stripped surfaces allude both to GothicGlossary Term [11] and stripped classicalGlossary Term [12] forms of the mid 20th century. The aisleGlossary Term [13] ceilings are set a little lower than those of the naveGlossary Term [14]. Transepts two bays deep. The chancelGlossary Term [15] is barely distinguishable from the naveGlossary Term [16] with an apseGlossary Term [17] of the same height and an ambulatoryGlossary Term [18] around. The sanctuaryGlossary Term [19] is slightly raised on a circular plinthGlossary Term [20] with simple curved altar rails and seats built in, anticipating the late 20th century vogue for naveGlossary Term [21] altars. Service rooms curve outside the sides of the ambulatoryGlossary Term [22] and are separated from it by more equally tall circular piers and half-high screen-wallsGlossary Term [23]. The E or Lady CHAPELGlossary Term [24] is dramatically raised above sixteen steps behind the altar with access from the ambulatoryGlossary Term [25] and thus visible from the naveGlossary Term [26], an arrangement developed from that at St Nicholas, Burnage, Manchester. The windows are very slim, narrow and straight-headed, and they are very closeGlossary Term [27] to each other all along the sides and end. The choirGlossary Term [28] galleries are most unusually behind the altar, facing the naveGlossary Term [29] on the same level as the Lady ChapelGlossary Term [30]. Expressive and jazzy STAINED GLASS in the Lady ChapelGlossary Term [31] by Christopher Webb depicting the Epiphany stars with blue as the dominant colour.

Last updated: Monday, 26th January 2009