, printed from the Looking at Buildings website on Saturday 15th March 2025
Specialization in trade and distribution led to the development of different warehouse types. The home trade warehouse served the home market and retailers visited the premises to inspect the goods and make ordersGlossary Term [5]. The industry encompassed made-up clothing, haberdashery and a wide range of fancy goods. Shipping warehouses proliferated with the opening up of foreign trade after 1815. Goods woud be received, examined, stored and packed for export. Although outward display might be important there was not the same need for impressive interiors. A refinement of the function of the shipping warhouse emerged with the packing warehouse, solely concerned with packing and despatching goods, seen in its most developed form in the early twentieth century Lloyds Packing Warehouse on Whitworth Street.
Last updated: Monday, 26th January 2009