, printed from the Looking at Buildings website on Thursday 13th March 2025
Next, one of the most distinctive designs: Nos. 39-41, by Claude Batley of London. It has a "Noah's ArkGlossary Term [4]" roof (hipped mansardGlossary Term [5]) and dormers.
Also in Primrose Avenue, the attractive Nos. 17-19 by Pepler & Allen of Croydon. These are perhaps the closest to the traditional Garden Suburb image with rounded tops to the ground floor windows; prominent brick arches above them and a roughcastGlossary Term [7] upper storey.
Next a terrace of four houses, Nos. 9-15 by J.C. Brameld & Son with the centre pair distinguished by being slightly higher than the other two.
Back on FOXGLOVE ROAD to the S, Nos. 161-163 with half-timbered gables are by Benton & Roberts.
Last updated: Monday, 26th January 2009