, printed from the Looking at Buildings website on Thursday 13th March 2025
Unbaked earth and clay provided some of the cheapest forms of building material and were fairly widely used in England. In areas where stone was not readily available or difficult to quarry and expensive to transport and where there was no tradition of brickmaking it was the most useful form of material. Moreover, even in its unbaked form, earth can be incredibly durable if maintained in the right conditions. The nature of the material gives the walls a distinctively irregular appearance. They are also extremely thick, commonly up to 1.5m, with small openings which suits these buildings to the wet and windy climate.
Although cheap, wet earth as a building material was labour intensive to produce since most processes required mixing it with straw and small stones. This work was frequently done by cattle trampling the earth and straw together in a pen. The wet earth mixture was then built up in layers on a stone plinthGlossary Term [1]. Each layer had to be allowed to dry, which meant that even humble buildings could take months to construct. A quicker process might be used in which the layers of wet earth, interspersed with straw, were built up in a single process but this tended to deform on drying out.
To protect it, the earth was washed with limewash or plaster and sheltered by the broad eavesGlossary Term [2] of a thatch or slate roof. Where it has not been covered with render the colour of the walls vary with the colour of the local soil.
Some common forms of earthen building materials:
Last updated: Saturday, 13th November 2010