

Short, usually curved braces in a timber-framed roof, connecting side purlins or ridge piece with the principals.
A step on a curved or turning section of a stair.
Winder stair
A stair in a rectangular compartment with a central supporting newel.
Midland Bank,
Piccadilly, London
A jocular term for a style of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, based on the works of the English Baroque architect Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723) and his contemporaries. Also called Neo-Wren.
Wrought iron
Ductile iron that is strong in tension, forged into decorative patterns or forged and rolled into e.g. bars, joists, boiler plates. Compare cast iron.
Wyatt window
Term for the type of large tripartite sash window with narrower side lights and a segmental arch above, made popular by the Wyatt family of architects in the late 18th century.
(Scots): Subsidiary street or lane, often running into a main street.
A form of bar tracery, used c. 1300, which branches into a Y-shape.
(Scots, lit. gate): Hinged openwork gate at a main doorway, made of iron bars alternately penetrating and penetrated.
Used for V-shapes used in series or (later) double series on a moulding in Norman architecture, especially when on a single plane; also called chevron.