

Clapper bridge
A bridge with one long stone forming the roadway.
(Consortium Local Authorities Special Programme): A kind of system building using light steel framing, suitable for schools etc., employed in the United Kingdom from the 1950s.
Clasped purlins
In a timber roof, purlins or horizontal longitudinal timbers which rest on queenposts or are carried in the angle between principals and collar.
Clasping buttress
A buttress which encases the angle.
St George's Hall, Liverpool
A term used for the architecture of Ancient Greece and Rome, revived at the Renaissance and subsequently imitated around the Western world. It uses a range of conventional forms, the roots of which are the orders, or types of column each with its fixed proportions and ornaments (especially Doric, Ionic and Corinthian). Classical buildings tend also to be symmetrical, both externally and on plan. Classical architecture in England began c. 1530 with applied ornamental motifs, followed within a few decades by fully-fledged new buildings.
Clerestory or clearstorey
Uppermost storey of a church, pierced by windows. Also high-level windows in secular buildings.
An enclosed quadrangle in a monastery or by a church, surrounded by covered passages; by extension, any space so enclosed. Cloister garth: the area enclosed by a cloister.
The precinct of a cathedral. Also (Scots) a courtyard or passage giving access to a number of buildings.
Closed string
A sloping member of a staircase covering the ends of the treads and risers, with a continuous upper edge; hence a closed string staircase. Compare open string.
Closed truss
Of a roof: with the spaces between the timbers filled, to form an internal partition or partitions.