

Collegiate church
A church endowed for the support of a college of priests.
Range of columns supporting an entablature, without arches. Compare arcade.
A small column or shaft, usually medieval.
Colossal order
No. 14 Abbey Yard
In classical architecture, an order whose height is that of two or more storeys of the building to which it is applied. Also called a giant order.
Shelved, niched structure to house multiple burials.
An upright structural member, especially in the classical styles, of round section and with a shaft, a capital, and usually a base.
Columna rostrata
(Latin): Column decorated with carved prows of ships to celebrate a naval victory.
Column figure
Carved figure attached to a medieval column or shaft, usually flanking a doorway. Compare trumeau figure.
Commissioners’ church
An Anglican church built with public money by the Church Building Commissioners, in the period 1818-56.
Commissioners’ Gothic
The kind of Gothic Revival style used for many of the Commissioners’ churches after 1818. It tends to be more accurate in terms of archaeology than the so-called Gothick of the 18th century, but is often let down by cheapness or thinness of execution.