

Common rafters
Regularly spaced uniform rafters placed along the length of the roof, or between principals; also called coupled rafters. A common rafter or coupled rafter roof has pairs of rafters only, i.e. without principal and lesser rafters used in combination.
Communion rails
In a church or chapel, rails used to enclose an area around the altar or communion table.
Communion table
Table used in Protestant churches for the celebration of Holy Communion.
One of the orders of classical architecture in which the capital of the column combines the volutes of the Ionic order with the foliage of the Corinthian.
Compound pier
A pier composed of grouped shafts, or a solid core surrounded by shafts.
Composition of cement (calcined lime and clay), aggregate (small stones and rock chippings), sand and water. It can be poured into formwork or shuttering (temporary framing of timber or metal) on site (in-situ concrete) or pre-cast as components before construction. Reinforced: incorporating steel rods to take the tensile force. Pre-stressed: with tensioned steel rods. Finishes include the impression of boards left by formwork (board-marked or shuttered), and texturing with steel brushes (brushed or bush-hammered), picks or hammers (pick-hammered or hammer-dressed).
(Scots): Down-pipe for rainwater.
A water pipe; by extension, a public water-source, often architecturally or decoratively treated.
Bracket of curved outline.
Coomb or comb ceiling
(Scots): With sloping sides corresponding to the roof pitch up to a flat centre.