

Southwell Minster
A distinctive phase of English Gothic which developed at the end of the 13th century and continued into the later 14th; sometimes abbreviated to Dec. Named from its elaborate window tracery, which abandoned the simple circular forms of Geometric in favour of more varied patterns based on segments of circles. Dec tracery makes much use of ogee or reversed curves, which were combined in the 14th century to produce reticulated and flowing tracery composed of trefoils, quatrefoils and dagger shapes. Similar inventiveness is seen in the patterns produced by the lierne and tierceron vaults of the period, in the three-dimensional handling of wall surfaces broken up by canopy work and sculpture and in imaginative spatial planning making use of diagonal axes.
Demi-or half-column
St George's Hall, Liverpool
An engaged column half of whose circumference projects from the wall.
Small square block used in series in classical cornices. Dentilation is produced by the projection of alternating headers, i.e. the short faces of bricks, along cornices or stringcourses.
Depressed arch
An arch with a rounded top, but curving inward more at the sides; also called a three-centred arch.
Diagonal buttress
A buttress set diagonally to the angle.
Diagonal rib
One of the main elements of a rib-vault, crossing diagonally and marking the main divisions (called cells).
Diamond-faced rustication
Rustication (the exaggerated treatment of masonry to give an effect of strength), with the faces treated like shallow pyramids.
Repetitive surface decoration of lozenges or squares flat or in relief. Achieved in brickwork with bricks of two colours.
The upright part of a pedestal, i.e. between base and cornice.
Diocletian window
A semicircular window with two mullions, as used in the Baths of Diocletian, Rome. Also called a thermal window.