

Discharging arch
An arch incorporated in a wall to relieve superimposed weight. Also called a relieving arch.
Of a porch or portico: having two columns.
Dog-leg stair
With parallel flights rising alternately in opposite directions, without an open well.
Ornament in the Early English period of Gothic, consisting of a series of small pyramids formed by four stylized canine teeth meeting at a point.
(Scots): Dovecote. A lectern type is free-standing with a single-pitch roof, a beehive type is circular and diminishes towards the top.
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The simplest and plainest of the three main classical orders, featuring a frieze with triglyphs and metopes. A Roman Doric column has a simple round capital with a narrow neck band and a plain or fluted shaft. A Greek Doric column has a thin spreading convex capital and no base to the column.
Window projecting from the slope of a roof.
Dormer head
Gable above a dormer (window projecting from the slope of a roof), often formed as a pediment.
The dormitory of an abbey or monastery, traditionally placed in the east range off the cloister.
An isolated section of entablature above a column or pilaster.