

Of concrete, textured with hammers after casting.
In a timber roof, horizontal brackets projecting at wall-plate level like an interrupted tie-beam; the inner ends carry hammerposts, vertical timbers which support a purlin (horizontal longitudinal timber) and are braced to a collar-beam above.
In a hammerbeam roof, vertical timbers between the hammerbeams (horizontal brackets projecting at wall-plate level) and the purlins (horizontal longitudinal timbers); braced to a collar-beam above.
In 20th-century and later architecture, a visually distinct topmost storey or storeys.
(Scots and Northern Irish; lit. hurling): Wet dash, i.e. a form of roughcast rendering in which the mixture of aggregate and binding material is dashed onto a wall.
A lozenge-shaped panel painted with armorial bearings, used in funeral ceremonies and often afterwards displayed in a church.
A brick laid with its short end exposed. A flared header is burnt to a darker shade, usually producing a patterned effect.
Header bond
Brickwork with only the headers (short ends) of the bricks exposed.
A terminal to a hoodmould or label (projecting moulding above an arch or lintel) carved with a head.
Helm roof
A pyramidal roof set diagonally on a tower, so that it meets the walls by means of gables.