

Horizontal projecting stone at the base of each side of a gable to support the inclined coping stones. A gable so formed is called a kneelered gable.
Projecting horizontal moulding above an arch or lintel to throw off water; also called a hoodmould.
Label stop
An ornamental projection or boss at the end of a label or hoodmould.
Laced brickwork
Vertical strips of brickwork, often in a contrasting colour, linking openings on different floors.
Lacing course
Horizontal reinforcement in timber or brick to walls of flint, cobble, etc.
(Scots): Channel formed to bring water to a mill; mill-race.
Lady chapel
C14, plan
A chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Our Lady).
(Scots): A burial space reserved in a graveyard.
Laird’s loft
(Scots): A gallery in a church reserved for an individual or special group, when it is sometimes called a trades loft.
Slender single-light, pointed-arched window. Hence lancet style, the first phase of English Gothic architecture (c. 1180-1250; also called Early English), from its use of such windows.