

Tudor panelling carved with simulations of folded linen.
Horizontal beam or stone bridging an opening.
A upper room or floor, especially within a roof space; also, a gallery in a church.
(Italian): A gallery or room with regular openings along one main side, sometimes free-standing.
Long-and-short work
Stones (quoins) at the angle or corner of a building placed with the long side alternately upright and horizontal, especially in Anglo-Saxon structures.
House and byre in the same range with internal access between them.
An unglazed slit window. Compare arrow loop.
Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI
Barnard Castle
County Durham
The prevailing styles of French architecture for most of the 17th and 18th centuries (Louis XIV, king 1643-1715, Louis XV, 1715-74, Louis XVI, 1774-92). In British terminology, commonly used for the revival of the styles in the 19th and 20th centuries, especially for interiors.
Roof opening, often protected by a raised timber structure, to allow the smoke from a central hearth to escape; also one of a series of horizontal boards or slats set at angle to prevent rain entering an opening.
Lowside window
A side window set lower than the others in the chancel of a church, usually towards its west end.