

Grayswood, Surrey
The single most important new style or philosophy of design of the 20th century, associated with the elimination of ornament, a strictly rational use of (often new) materials and an openness to structural innovation, and an analytical approach to the function of buildings. The Modern Movement is a narrower term, used in Britain for the rigorous Modernist architecture of the period c. 1930-55, after which it becomes hard to distinguish from ordinary building in non-traditional styles.
Small brackets or consoles along the underside of a Corinthian or Composite cornice. Often also used on an eaves cornice.
A predetermined standard size for co-ordinating the dimensions of components of a building; hence modular planning, etc. In classical architecture, the module is usually a multiple or fraction of the width of the order or type of column used.
(Scots): Device to secure corpse(s): either in an iron frame over a grave or a building where bodies were kept during decomposition.
Post-Roman and Norman defence consisting of an earthen mound (motte) topped by a wooden tower within a bailey, an enclosure defended by a ditch and palisade, and also, sometimes, by an internal bank.
A curved dagger-shaped motif in tracery, popular especially in the 14th century.
Shaped ornamental strip of continuous section, e.g. the classical cavetto, cyma or ovolo.
Vertical member between window lights.
Of five or more storeys.
With multiple lobes (foils) formed by the cusping of a circular or other shape in tracery.