

An arch framing an opening in a wall, e.g. a window or door.
Painting or relief above an internal door. Also called a sopraporta.
An ornamented or painted feature above a fireplace.
Overshot water wheel
One with water fed on to the wheel over the top. Compare breastshot, pitchback and undershot.
Decorative fixed arch between two gatepiers or above a gate, often of iron.
Wide convex moulding.
By J.E. Gregan, 1848
(Italian, palace): used for any compact and ornate building like a large Italian town house, usually classical in style.
(lit. scraped again): Reuse of a surface. Of a brass: where a metal plate has been reused by turning over and engraving on the back. Of a wall painting: where one overlaps and partly obscures an earlier one.
Derived from the buildings and publications of the Italian classical architect Andrea Palladio (1508-80). His manner was introduced to Britain by Inigo Jones in the early 17th century, and was revived by Lord Burlington and others in the 18th century, in both cases as a counter to the less strict or pure styles of the day. Its influence continued well into the 19th century.
Palladian window
In classical architecture, a window with an arched central light flanked by two lower straight-headed ones; the motif is also used for other openings. Also called Serlian window, Serlian motif, Serliana, and Venetian window.