

Skew arch
An arch spanning responds not diametrically opposed; hence also skew bridge.
Slab block
A multi-storey block with flats approached from corridors or galleries from service cores at intervals or towers at the ends (plan also used for offices, hotels etc.)
Covering of overlapping slates on a wall, which is then said to be slate-hung. Tile-hanging is similar.
Slop stone
(Irish): Drainage stone designed to carry kitchen waste through the thickness of a wall.
In a greater medieval church, a covered way or passage leading east from the cloisters between transept and chapter house.
Of masonry, with courses broken by smaller stones (snecks).
(lit. ceiling): Underside of an arch (also called an intrados), lintel, etc. Soffit roll: medieval roll moulding on a soffit.
Private upper chamber in a medieval house, accessible from the high or dais end of the great hall.
Solomonic columns
Columns with twisted spiral shafts, called after columns in Rome supposed to have come from Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. Also called Salomonic columns, barley-sugar columns.
Painting or relief above an internal door. Also called an overdoor.