

Stack bond
Non-structural brick facing, using bricks laid long side outwards and in vertical (i.e. non-overlapping) tiers.
Fixed seat in the choir or chancel of a church for the clergy or choir. Usually with armrests, and often framed together.
Upright structural member, of iron, steel or reinforced concrete.
Standpipe tower
Containing a column of water to regulate pressure in water mains. Also called a manometer tower.
With liernes (short decorative ribs not linked to any springing point) in star formation. Also called a stellar vault.
Stay-suspension bridge
A suspension bridge supported by diagonal stays from towers or pylons; also called a stay-cantilever bridge.
(Scots): Farm building or buildings, most often the principal group of agricultural buildings on a farm.
Steam engines
Types include: Atmospheric: worked by the vacuum created when low-pressure steam is condensed in the cylinder, as developed by Thomas Newcomen (1663-1729). Beam engine: with a large pivoted beam moving in an oscillating fashion by the flywheel. It may drive a flywheel or be non-rotative. Watt and Cornish: single-cylinder; compound: two cylinders; triple expansion: three cylinders.
Tower together with a spire, lantern, or belfry.
Stellar vault
With liernes (short decorative ribs not linked to any springing point) in star formation. Also called a star-vault.