

Sculpted or painted group of arms or armour.
(French): Central stone upright supporting the tympanum of a wide doorway, especially of a medieval church. Trumeau figure: carved figure attached to it; compare column figure.
Trumpet capital
Capital with concave lower part, usually scalloped, in use in the later 12th century.
Braced framework, spanning between supports. Types include: Belfast roof truss: a wide segmental truss built as a lattice-beam, originally using short cuts of timber left over from shipbuilding in Belfast; closed truss (of a roof): with the spaces between the timbers filled, to form an internal partition or partitions; spere truss: roof truss incorporated in a spere (a fixed structure screening the lower end of a great hall from the screens passage in an older house, college, etc.)
Tuck pointing
Exposed mortar jointing of masonry or brickwork with a narrow central channel filled with finer, whiter mortar.
Strictly, the architecture of the English Tudor dynasty (1485-1603), but used more often for late Gothic secular buildings especially of the first half of the 16th century. These use a simplified version of Perpendicular, characterised by straight-headed mullioned windows with arched lights, and by rooflines with steep gables and tall chimneys, often asymmetrically placed.
Tudor arch
An arch with arcs in each corner joining straight lines to the central point.
Tumbling or tumbling-in
Courses of brickwork laid at right-angles to a slope, e.g. of a gable, forming triangles by tapering into horizontal courses.
Tunnel vault
The simplest kind of vault, in the form of a continuous semicircular or pointed arch; also called a barrel vault.
One of the orders of classical architecture, a simpler variant of Roman Doric.