

Tusking stones
(Scots): Projecting end stones for bonding with an adjoining wall.
Two-centred arch
The simplest kind of pointed arch.
Two-decker pulpit
A raised and enclosed platform for the preaching of sermons, with a reading desk below. Compare three-decker pulpit.
The surface between a lintel and the arch above it, or within a pediment.
Usually describes the vaulted room or rooms beneath the main room or rooms of a medieval house. Compare crypt.
Undershot water wheel
One turned by the momentum of the water passing beneath. Compare breastshot, overshot and pitchback.
Of a hill-fort: defended by one concentric bank and ditch.
Upper cruck
A type of timber construction in which curving paired members (blades) are supported on a tie-beam and rise to the apex.
An arched stone roof, sometimes imitated in timber, plaster etc. For the different kinds see barrel vault, fan-vault, groin-vault, rib-vault, sail vault.
Vaulting shaft
Shaft leading up to the spring or springing of a vault.