Looking at Buildings

, printed from the Looking at Buildings website on Friday 14th March 2025


Architects, W.J. Hale

Our catalogue of books and articles on architects is arranged alphabetically and provides one of the fullest guides to publications on architects since 1840. For anyone researching architects before 1840 there is one essential reference book:

Biographical Dictionary of British Architects, 1600-1840 by H.M. Colvin (3rd ed. published in 1995). Our index does not include material published before 1977 when the 2nd edition of this valuable book was published. It does however include monographs on architects published in the 20th and 21st centuries

For the period after 1840, the following books are useful:

  • R.I.B.A.'s Directory of British Architects, 1834-1914, published in 2001.
  • The Catalogue of the R.I.B.A. Drawings Collection British Architects 1840-1976, a guide to information sources by L. Wodehouse (1978) has selective references to works on individual architects. Edwardian Architecture
  • Sources of Modern Architecture by D. Sharp (1976, 1981)gives brief biographies of major twentieth-century architects and lists their writings. See also A different world: Emigré Architects in Britain 1928-58, by Charlotte Benton (1995).
  • Avery Obituary Index of Architects, 2nd edn 1980 by A.S. Gray gives short biographies of Edwardian architects and lists some of their buildings (with useful periodical references)

Engineers are not included here but useful bibliographies can be found in:

  • Developments in Structural Form by R. Mainstone (1975)
  • The engineers: a history of the British engineering profession 1715-1914 by R.A. Buchanan (1989);
  • A Biographical Dictionary of Civil Engineers in Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 1: 1500-1830. Edited by A.W. Skempton (2002).


Last updated: Monday, 26th January 2009