, printed from the Looking at Buildings website on Saturday 15th March 2025
Set up to care for Church of England churches no longer needed for parish use. All our churches are architecturally or historically important with most Grade I or Grade II*
The Government's lead body for the historic environment in England.
Exists to promote the study of the history of gardening and horticulture in all aspects and to promote the protection and conservation of historic parks, gardens and designed landscapes
Full details of all buildings which are open from 10th-13th September including maps and opening times.
The Historic Churches Preservation Trust (HCPT) is a charity founded in 1953, the leading body dedicated to preserving Anglican parish churches.
aims to encourage an interest in and to promote the conservation of distinguished examples of architecture and the allied arts of all periods in Ireland.
The first comprehensive survey of Jewish monuments and sites ever undertaken in Britain
the web site for Local History Magazine — the UK's only independent national magazine for anyone with an interest in local history
records and interprets the sites, monuments and buildings of Scotland's past, promotes a greater appreciation of their value through the maintenance of the National Monuments Record of Scotland (NMRS) and presents them by means of publications and exhibitions.
surveys, interprets and records the built heritage of Wales
Last updated: Friday, 8th January 2010