Looking at Buildings

, printed from the Looking at Buildings website on Saturday 15th March 2025

Tierceron & Lierne Vaults

TIERCERONGlossary Term [1] VAULTGlossary Term [2] has additional ribs (tiercerons, from tierce, third) springing from wall shaftGlossary Term [3] or pierGlossary Term [4] at the corner of each bayGlossary Term [5] to the ridge ribs along the apexes of the vaultGlossary Term [6].

Chapter HouseGlossary Term [7]. Although the tiercerons are not structurally essential, they are given the same thickness as the principal diagonal ribs; as a result the visual division of the vaultGlossary Term [8] into quadrangular bays disappears.

liernesGlossary Term [9], from French lier to bind) in the crownGlossary Term [10] of the vaultGlossary Term [11] between the main ribs. They provide the opportunity for additional carved bosses at the junctions. At its most elaborate, such a vaultGlossary Term [12] resembles a net stretched below the roof, creating a pattern which ignores the tradition of individual bayGlossary Term [13] divisions.

Further Reading:

On different types of 14th-century vaults, see: Jean Bony, The DecoratedGlossary Term [14] Style, 1979

Last updated: Monday, 26th January 2009