, printed from the Looking at Buildings website on Saturday 15th March 2025
Synagogues (Oxford: Heinemann Library Places of Worship series) [Clear introduction for children]
The Synagogue (London: Phaidon 1995)
Jewish Art: An Illustrated History (London: Vallentine Mitchell 2nd edn. ed. Bezalel Narkiss, 1971)
Jewish Art (New York: Harry N.Abrams 1997)
Judaism in Stone: The Archaeology of Ancient Synagogues (New York: Harper & Row and the Biblical Archaeology Society 1979)
The Story of the Synagogue (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1986) [A Diaspora Museum book]
Masada (New York: Random House 1966)
'Synagogue architecture in the late ClassicalGlossary Term [2] period' in Roth (ed.) Jewish Art, op.cit. pp. 65-82
Art in Ancient Palestine (Jerusalem: 1981)
'Sacred Space under Erasure in Ancient Synagogues and Early Churches,' The Art Bulletin Vol.74 No.3 (September 1992) pp.375-394
Sacred Realm: The Emergence of the Synagogue in the Ancient World (New York: Oxford University Press and Yeshiva University Museum 1996)
Jewish Symbols in the Graeco-RomanGlossary Term [3] Period 13 Vols. (Princeton: 1953-68)
One volume selection edited by Jacob Neusner (Princeton: 1988)
The Synagogue: Studies in Origin, Archaeology and Architecture (New York: Ktav 1975)
(ed.) Ancient Synagogues Revealed (Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society 1981)
The Synagogue in Late Antiquity (Philadelphia 1987)
The Ancient Synagogue (Yale University Press 2000)
Ancient Synagogues in Palestine and Greece (London: 1934)
Ancient Synagogues: Historical Analysis and ArchaeologicalGlossary Term [4] Discovery Vols 1 & 2 (Leiden: E.J.Brill 1995)
Jerusalem Revealed: Archaeology in the Holy City 1968-1974 (Jerusalem: The Israel Exploration Society and Yale 1976)
'The Architecture of the contemporary synagogue' in Roth (ed.) Jewish Art, op.cit. pp.273-85
'Synagogue architecture of the medieval and pre-emancipation periods' in Roth (ed.) Jewish Art, op.cit pp.103-117
Synagogues of Europe (Cambridge MA: MIT Press 1985. 2nd edn. paperback New York: Dover Books 1996)
'The Heikhal, Bima and Tevah in Sephardi synagogues', Jewish Art Vol.18 (1992) pp.30-34
Vision of the Temple (London: Oresko Books 1979)
'The architecture of the synagogue in Neoclassicism and Historicism' in Moore Moore, Claire (ed.) The Visual Dimension: Aspects of Jewish Art (Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford: Westview Press, 1993) pp.83-103
The Architecture of the European Synagogue (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America 1964)
'London Synagogues in the late 19th century: Design in Context', London Journal Vol.13 no.2 (1988) pp.143-155
'Assimilation by Design: London Synagogues in the 19th century' in Kushner (ed.) v.i. pp.171-209
'Beth Miqdash Me'at: The Synagogues of Medieval England' Journal of Ecclesiastical History Vol.44 No.2 (April) 1993 pp.182-198
'Anglo-Jewish Architects, and Architecture in the 18th and 19th centuries', Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England Vol.18 (1958) pp.127-141
' Synagogue Art and Architecture' in Levin, Salmond S. (ed.) A Century of Anglo-Jewish Life, 1870-1970 (London: United Synagogue 1970) pp.75-91
'An Introduction to Victorian synagogues' Victorian Society Annual 1991 pp.22-35
Two essays in Kadish (ed.) v.i.
The GeorgianGlossary Term [5] Synagogue (London: Jewish Memorial Council 1999)
Building Jerusalem: Jewish Architecture in Britain (London: Vallentine Mitchell 1996)
'Eden in Albion: A History of the Mikveh in Britain', in (ed.) Building Jerusalem op.cit. pp.101-154
'Squandered Heritage: Jewish Buildings in Britain' in Kushner (ed.) v.i pp.147-165
Bevis Marks Synagogue 1701-2001 (Swindon: English Heritage 2001)
Last updated: Monday, 26th January 2009