Looking at Buildings

, printed from the Looking at Buildings website on Saturday 15th March 2025

New Churches of the 17th and 18th Centuries

classicalGlossary Term [1] style, although there were also examples of continuing loyalty to GothicGlossary Term [2] traditions. New architectural ideas were spread through the examples of the City of London churches rebuilt after the Great Fire of 1666 and those that followed in the expanding London suburbs.

Reflecting liturgical practices of the time, new churches were designed with shallow sanctuaries instead of chancels, and with naves planned as preaching spaces, with plentiful seating, often with galleries on three sides. Apart from monuments, sculpture was confined to architectural detail, although in the 18th century paintings of religious subjects became acceptable as altarpieces. Where there was little space for churchyards, burial crypts were sometimes provided below. Towers remained popular, reflecting the continuing significance of the church as the centre of the community, as well as enthusiasm for bellringing, and the ancillary rooms often included a vestry room for the transaction of parish business.

Last updated: Saturday, 25th April 2009